10 Things Productive People Do…

  1. Find Your Passion: It’s easiest to complete tasks we’re motivated to do. When we’re inspired, and feel passionately about something, we are gifted a potent energy that fuels us.

    2. Lay it Out: Wether we’re tackling a huge project, or mundane tasks, it’s best to clearly define what needs to be done. Make a list of everything that needs to be accomplished.

    3. Structure Your Days: Once you have your list, structure each task into bite-size, achievable chunks. Create time brackets in which the tasks will be accomplished. For example: 6am-10am self-care and house hold work, 10am-2pm administrative work and meetings, 2pm-4pm errands and catch-all tasks, 4-6pm help kid’s with homework and recreational commitments, 6-8pm dinner and wind-down, 8-9pm final check-in with work responsibilities, 9-10pm rest and bed-time. A loose template can go along way.

    4. Prioritize Sleep- It’s nearly impossible to feel productive when we’re running on fumes. Practice good sleep hygiene so you’re setting yourself up for success.

    5. Wake-up Early- Not everyone is a natural early-bird. I get that, however if we sleep in, we forfeit vital hours. Human are diurnal creatures, meaning our biorhythms follow the clock. We release most of our cortisol in the morning. Cortisol is the hormone that gives us motivation. Being productive in the morning comes most naturally because it’s when our system has the highest concentration of motivation chemicals.

    6. Avoid Junk Food- Processed carbs, sugar, and food devoid of nutrients cause feelings of fatigue. Fatigue is an obvious hindrance to productivity.

    7. Schedule Rest & Play: We are not machines. It’s untenable to be constantly productive. Our mind-body-spirits require rest and play. Efficacy and balance are best friends.

    8. Avoid Comparison: Comparing our work or accomplishments to others is an easy way to take the wind out of our sails. Don’t concern yourself with what other people are up to. Don’t get distracted by others; focus on what you care about, and you’ll achieve it.

    9. Yourself On The Back: More often than not, we’ll go to bed with things left undone. Give yourself credit for what you did do, and know that the rest can wait.

    10. Keep Moving: Sometimes we get so focused on the tasks at hand that we neglect our physical well-being. It’s easy to get sucked into a work project and not even realize that you’ve gone six hours without even standing up. Exercise often gets pushed to the side when we have other important things to do. Remember that exercise and movement promote healthy cognitive function and mood stability. Sure, exercise may take time, but it supports our ability to be productive.


Pregnancy: The Real Deal.


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